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Make your volleyball travel more climate friendly


Bring It Promotions is committed to delivering authentic travel experiences that are sustainable for the environment and communities visited. You help this effort when you:

  1. Offset your travel emissions

  2. Pack a reusable water bottle

  3. Limit the trash you produce


Offset your tour’s carbon emissions

Select your tour below and join us in making global sports travel more climate neutral


Central America

Tour transportation emits an average 3,175 pounds CO2e per traveler

Offset for $14.11



Tour transportation emits an average 4,520 pounds CO2e per traveler

Offset for $20.09


Tour transportation emits an average 4,410 pounds CO2e per traveler

Offset for $19.60

South America

Tour transportation emits an average 5,998 pounds CO2e per traveler

Offset for $26.65


Your purchased flight offsets lower global C02e through the Los Santos Project in Costa Rica

project impact

15,000 tons CO2e offset per year–like taking 4,000 cars off the road for a year

20 local jobs created and sustained

Funding for environmental education in local schools


Partnering with Offset Alliance


Calculating CO2e emissions

We collaborate in estimating travel emissions our tours create including all flights and regional bus travel. Flight emissions data is from the UN and bus emissions data is from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Offsetting CO2e emissions

Offset Alliance projects are all independently verified and based on protocols from the world’s leading authorities like Gold Standard, VCS and Climate Action Reserve. Your climate action is measurable and verifiable.

Extending your impact

For each flight offset through Offset Alliance, Bring It Promotions makes a donation to Paso Pacífico, a 501(c)(3) whose work in Nicaragua protects biodiversity and provides environmental education for children.

Supporting climate justice

Communities least responsible for climate change are affected by it the most–so we make sure our verified carbon offsets also align with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The Los Santos Project delivers on the following:


How carbon offsets mitigate travel emissions

Projects around the world are being created to lower CO2e levels in our atmosphere–like rebuilding forests, conserving wild lands and installing renewable energy in less developed countries. When projects are verified to be following specific protocols they can generate and sell carbon offset credits, measured by metric tons of CO2e reduced. These are an important funding source for a project’s ongoing operations–when you purchase verified carbon offset credits, you are ensuring a reduction of CO2e through measurable and verifiable means.
